Tuesday, March 29, 2016

10's and 1's

Did you know that 10 is a magic number?  It is, ask your child! We have been working with ten-frames a lot this year.  Recently we introduced building teen numbers using popsicles grouped in 10s and individual popsicle sticks.  Below are some photos of the kids making teen numbers with popsicle sticks:

iPad Cart

We have a new addition to our school technology! We now share an iPad cart - there are enough in the cart for an entire class to use.
A few weeks ago our technology integrator, Mrs. Morgan, came in to do an introductory lesson with our students.  They learned how to turn the iPad on, navigate through the pages and to how to start an app.  There were some kids who have had lots of experience with iPads and others who had never used one before.  Mrs. Morgan has loaded a bunch of great apps onto the iPads that reinforce both reading and math.  Here are some photos of the kids trying out the iPads for the first time:

Friday, March 11, 2016

Poetry Center

One of our literacy centers is the poetry center.  Each student has their own poetry book. I teach a new poem on a chart once or twice a week.  Over the course of the week each students gets to work more closely with that poem in the poetry center.  I print each poem onto a smaller format so they can be glued into their poetry books.  I also print out a small picture that goes along with the poem.  After they have colored their picture and glued both their poem and picture into their book the kids need to find sight words.  I either write the sight words on a white board or print out a list of words.  The last step is for the kids to find the words from the list and highlight or circle them.

Place Value

We have been learning about place value throughout the school year.  One of the activities that we do that teaches place value is our daily tally.  Every day we put a popsicle stick in the 100's chart. We observe that the number of days we have been in school goes up by 1 each day.  The rule we follow is that there cannot be 10 in the 1's place - the 1's place is for single digits only.  When we get to 10 sticks we bundle the sticks up and move them into the 10's place.  The same rule goes for the tens place - you can not have ten 10's in the tens place - you must bundle 10 up and move them to the 100's place.  We use the bundles and singles to practice counting 10's and 1's together.