Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Westbrook uses Everyday Math for our math instruction.  This year we got a new version which was more in line with Common Core.  So far I like it - it has eliminated some things that were not as relevant in kindergarten.  The things they restructured, especially in number sense, are great!

Here is a peek at our Math Workshop:

At this center the kids were making a turkey puzzle - the pieces were numbered 11-20 - we worked on both cutting skills and ordering numbers.

At this center we used 10 frames to practice numeral writing and counting:

We were sorting with bears and other animals and sorting mats here.  The kids chose how they were going to sort the bears: by size, color or type.

Making patterns with pattern blocks - in pilgrim, Native American, turkey or Mayflower shapes:

Online math practice - both Everyday Math and other sites:

Friday, November 20, 2015


The folks from We Compost It came to our school yesterday to explain to the kids what happens with all the food that we have been composting after breakfast and lunch.  They brought a load of fresh, nutrient rich compost to fill our garden beds.  We formed "human chains" and poured bucket after bucket of compost into the beds to prepare them for winter.  Here are some photos of your children working hard:

Most of our school participated in the presentation:

Here we are  helping spread the compost:

Older kids and kindergarteners working together:


A crop of brussel sprouts from last year's garden:

When we were finished spreading compost (and washing our hands!) we came back in and wrote about our experience:

 One friend wrote, "I am going to the garden"

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Writer's Workshop

Every day we participate in Writer's Workshop.  We follow the Lucy Calkins Units of Study writing program.  It is my students' favorite time of the day.  Occasionally we have an event like a field trip that prevents us from having our writer's workshop but these little writers beg for writing time when we get back. We have completed the first Narrative until and are onto our second narrative unit.  The next two units are How To Books and Persuasive writing.
We have learned how to:
     * generate ideas
     * "when we are done we have just begun"
     * what writer's workshop sounds like
     * stretching out words
     * making scrolls and books
     * practicing storytelling

Here is a quick video of the kiddos during writing time -

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


As part of our Social Studies curriculum we are learning about traditions and holidays.  Thanksgiving is a perfect time of year to learn about both.  We have been reading a lot of books, fiction and non-fiction, about the tradition of Thanksgiving: why we celebrate Thanksgiving and the first Thanksgiving.
Here is what we are thankful for:
Gabriela: food
Jacob: leaves on the trees
Owen: my toys
Joseph: turkeys
Brysen: people hunting turkeys with bows and arrows
Parker: my family
Payton: having clothes
Leah: my classroom
Kassidie: having my house
Kaitlyn: my family
TJ: having a bus to bring me to school
Carell: my super hero toys
Desire: my family
Brandi: having fun
Davith: books

The second grade classrooms in our wing and our classroom are thankful to all our parents for sharing your children with us, and for this we say:

Thanks a "Minion"

Our Thanks a Minion classroom doors!!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Literacy Centers

Every day we work on a number of reading and writing skills in kindergarten.  We do this is during our literacy block through literacy centers (Daily 5).  Here are a few photos of the kids in action:

Getting comfy to write:

Name puzzles:

Write the room:

Word Work, we were working on CVC words - Consonant-Vowel-Consonant

Poetry books, highlighting our "popcorn" words:

Read to Self:

Raz-Kids on the computer:

Friday, November 13, 2015


Saccarappa School is making a difference!

Did you know that Saccarappa not only recycles paper and plastic products, but we also compost?! Westbrook High School and Westbrook Middle School have been composting for a few years now. This fall Saccarappa began a composting program (we are the first of the three elementary schools in Westbrook). You would be amazed - the kids are doing great with it!  We started about a month ago with composting in the cafeteria at lunch time.  Just this week we started composting our breakfast items as well.  We even use lunch trays that can be composted! Can you imagine the impact our recycling and composting is going to have on our children's futures?

Here is our recycling/composting station:

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Field Trip

Pearson's Farm Field Trip

On October 23rd we visited Pearson's Farm - which is a cooperative of St. Joseph's College.  I had never been before and LOVED this trip!  Farmer Mike greeted us as we got off the bus - he was a SPECTACULAR host.  We learned about what gardening looks like in the fall, we visited the animals, made fairy houses and went to the pumpkin patch to find a pumpkin of our very own!

Here are a few highlights from this trip:


Farmer Mike telling a story and our listeners.

 These friendly guys came to greet us at the fence - we even got to pet one!

Walking to the woods to build fairy houses.

A few of the kiddos worked together on this fairy house:

Part of the bigger group getting ready to visit the animals in the barn.

Getting ready to get back on the bus to head to school - happy with our pumpkin selections.
If you are curious about the farm and what they do, you can visit their site by clicking here.  It looks like an old link but you can see some photos and read about their farm. We will visit again in the spring during planting time to see what happens on the farm in the spring.