Friday, December 18, 2015

Catch Ups, Part 2!

Along wiht reading many different versions of the Gingerbread man, we did a number of math and literacy centers with a Gingerbread Theme:

Take a peek at what centers look like in action:

More math centers:

Writer's Workshop:

Practicing writing numbers on each other's backs:

Listening Center and Read to Self:

Foster Grandparent - did you  know we have a Foster Grandparent, Grammy Polly, who comes in to volunteer with the kindergarten classes.  Last week we celebrated Grammy Polly - she is both the oldest grandparent at 93 and the grandparent who has participated the longest in the program!

Guests read their plays:

One of the Healthy Snacks provided free of charge for our students!  Information about broccoli came home today in take home folders!

Catch Ups!!

We've been busy!
Here are some things we have done:

Math Journals:

Drawing Lessons:

Guest Reader from Second Grade:

Buddy Reading:

Writing Partners - during this time the kids sit "knee to knee" and have leaned to be good listeners with their writing partners.  They are also learning to give helpful feedback and to ask good questions!:

We made turkeys:

We made Gingerbread ornaments and then visited the trees at the Festival of Trees: