Friday, December 18, 2015

Catch Ups, Part 2!

Along wiht reading many different versions of the Gingerbread man, we did a number of math and literacy centers with a Gingerbread Theme:

Take a peek at what centers look like in action:

More math centers:

Writer's Workshop:

Practicing writing numbers on each other's backs:

Listening Center and Read to Self:

Foster Grandparent - did you  know we have a Foster Grandparent, Grammy Polly, who comes in to volunteer with the kindergarten classes.  Last week we celebrated Grammy Polly - she is both the oldest grandparent at 93 and the grandparent who has participated the longest in the program!

Guests read their plays:

One of the Healthy Snacks provided free of charge for our students!  Information about broccoli came home today in take home folders!

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